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丹佛斯参展意大利米兰卫浴展,展位位于1号大厅 Z18号位。意大利米兰卫浴展MCE(Mostra Convegno Expocomfort)每两年举行一次,是目前世界上供暖、制冷、卫生洁具、浴室设备、泵阀类领域规模最大、影响力最强的专业性展览会之一,第三十六届展会将于2008年3月11日至15日举行,此次展出的产品都体现出一个主题:科技与舒适生活相结合。MCE展会是发展业务联系,增强合作关系,开发新客户的理想去处。
original text
Danfoss exhibits new BCP pressure switch and bio-mass valve
Technology and Comfortable Living together in a single big international gathering: Mostra Convegno Expocomfort.
MCE is the international exhibition where HVAC and plumbing sector comes together. It is an ideal place to reinforce and develop your business relationships and to create new ones.
Danfoss will use this opportunity to expose several new products among which you will have the opportunity to see the new Danfoss thermostatic valve for solid fuel boilers and BCP pressure switch for commercial and industrial boilers.
Come and visit Danfoss in hall 1 booth Z18
The exhibition takes place 11th-15th March 2008, Milan in Italy.