2007年12月19日,布什总统签订了《2007能源独立和安全法案》,此法案将在2010年12月19日后加强管理出售低马力工业马达力度。目前1-200 HP马达依照的是1992年的能源政策法案(EPACT),将被升级到依照NEMA的标准。许多1- 200 HP电机没有涉及在EPACT和201-500 HP马达则需要遵从能源有效型标准(NEMA MG 1, Table 12-11)。更多关于完整法案的详细规定请登录: P.L.C.技.术.网——可编程控制器技术门户
http://www.nema.org/gov/energy/upload/NEMA-Summary-and-Analysis-of-the-Energy-Independence-and-Security-Act-of-2007.pdf WWW_PLCJS※COM-PLC-技.术_网(可※编程控※制器技术门户)
对于一些OEM要求的明确的电机设计发展和证明,我们鼓励您与保德合作开发适用于您要求的马达,从而避免临近2010而仓促行事。 WWW_PLCJ-S_COM-PLC-技.术_网(可-编程控-制器技术-门户)
original text WWW_PLCJS※COM-PLC-技.术_网(可※编程控※制器技术门户)
Update on Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 P.L.C.技.术.网——可编程控制器技术门户
On December 19, 2007, President Bush signed the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 which will raise the mandatory minimum efficiency level of integral horsepower industrial motors sold after December 19, 2010. 1 -200 HP motors currently covered by the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct) will be raised to NEMA Premium?(NEMA MG 1, Table 12-12). Most 1 - 200 HP motors not covered in EPAct and 201-500 HP motors will need to comply with Energy Efficient levels (NEMA MG 1, Table 12-11). For more specific regarding the complete Act, contact your local Baldor District Office or seehttp://www.nema.org/gov/energy/upload/NEMA-Summary-and-Analysis-of-the-Energy-Independence-and-Security-Act-of-2007.pdf 。 WWW※PLCJS_COM-PL#C-技.术_网(可编※程控※制器技术门户)
For those OEMs requiring development and certification of specific motor designs, we urge you to work with Baldor now to develop those motors for your equipment now, so you can avoid the rush as 2010 nears.