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瑞士百通2008年2月20日消息, ABB的专家优化器软件在二月上旬于伦敦召开的第二届全球燃料会议上, 被评为电能节省型最具创新技术奖。ABB的合作生产管理组合部分:专家优化器, 可帮助水泥厂大幅降低能源损耗和能源成本。此次会议由Pro国际出版有限公司组织,有来自27个国家的100家水泥行业代表参加了此次活动。
Pro国际出版有限公司编辑主管Robert McCaffrey出席了会议并向ABB专家管理器产品经理Eduardo Gallestey颁布了奖项。
在大会期间,Gallestey还赠与了“水泥生产过程中的能源有效管理”论文,此文章由来自ABB的Matthias Bolliger, Michelle Kiener和Gabriela Crosley共同合著。
www.abb.com/cpm )
original text
ABB software wins 2008 Global Fuels Award
Baden, Switzerland, February 20, 2008 – ABB’s Expert Optimizer software was honored with the “Most innovative technology for electrical energy efficiency” award at the second annual Global Fuels conference in London earlier this month. Part of ABB’s Collaborative Production Management portfolio, Expert Optimizer helps cement plants to significantly reduce their energy consumption and energy costs. Pro Publications International Ltd. organized the conference; over 100 cement industry delegates from 27 countries attended the 2008 event.
Pro Publications Editorial Director, Dr. Robert McCaffrey presented the award to Dr. Eduardo Gallestey, Product Manager for Expert Optimizer at ABB.
“We are truly honored that ABB has been recognized with this award,” said Dr. Gallestey. “It is great to see that ABB’s commitment to innovation, and our focus on improving productivity and energy efficiency, has been acknowledged by the opinion leaders in the market. I was very proud to accept the trophy on behalf of our team.”
Part of ABB’s Collaborative Production Management suite of solutions, Expert Optimizer allows cement plants to reduce their specific energy consumption through the intelligent use of variable speed drives in fans and kiln control, for implementing cooler optimization in combination with high-efficiency cooler multidrives, and for deployment of mill optimization and grinding plant scheduling for reduction of energy consumption and energy costs. Energy monitoring is executed in conjunction with ABB’s Knowledge Manager solution. WW.W_PLCJS_COM-PLC-技.术_网